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The Real Investment Show Podcast

Aug 31, 2020

How Labor Hoarding and the way we count Unemployment may make "the data" worthless: Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts
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Aug 31, 2020

SEG-1: Best August in Financial Markets Since 1986
SEG-2: Solving Pandemic Problems w Politics...or not
SEG-3: Extreme Market Valuations: What Happens w Correction?
SEG-4: Getting Too Used to the Data
Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts
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Aug 28, 2020

SEG-1: It's Jerome Powell's World (We just live in it)
SEG-2: Fed-sparked Inflation: Will it Float?
SEG-3: Moonjars and ROTH Conversions
SEG-4: The Waffle House Index & Post-election Planning
RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP w Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP

Aug 27, 2020

Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA
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Aug 27, 2020

SEG-1: The Masked Weatherman; The Jackson Hole Meeting
SEG-2: The Fed's New Tool!
SEG-3: The Negative Effect of Interest Rates on Economic Growth
SEG-4: Apple vs Amazon
Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA
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