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The Real Investment Show Podcast

Jul 31, 2019

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Auto Sector expert, Daniel Ruiz, in a wide-ranging discussion of financing the biggest ticket items we'll ever purchase, houses and cars. [NOTE: This is a slightly abridged version of the Daniel Ruiz session, edited for re-broadcast on Radio for 7/31/19]

Jul 30, 2019

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w John Stepek, author of "The Sceptical Investor," from the engineering bay of the Starship Enterprise...okay, not really, but if you close your eyes...commentary on investor complacency and too much reliance on Central Banks; Value Investing and the differential...

Jul 29, 2019

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Bearing Assets Founder, Kevin Duffy, on how the trade wars figure into investors' strategies; telling details from a 1960 Playboy interview with a future President, Donald Trump; What matters most--Cycles, Trends, and Moats; Is Tesla destined to be the next Enron?...

Jul 26, 2019

 RIA Advisors Danny Ratliff, CFP tackles the thorny problem if how to know whether your financial advisor is a fiduciary or an axe-murderer (there are ways you can tell); The Fed's interest rate intentions, and how investors can pre-set to take advantage; how much could you get from the Equifax Settlement?

Jul 25, 2019

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts' continuation of the process of the death of fiscal responsibility, the changing role of government, and how it's being funded; who's going to be expected to cover the shortfall in pension fund payouts, and why it's all just a grand Ponzi scheme.