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The Real Investment Show Podcast

Dec 31, 2020

[NOTE: This segment was originally broadcast on 12/17/20]
The speculative frenzy at market peaks is fun while it lasts...and then, the sentiment changes.
- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA
Articles Mentioned in this...

Dec 31, 2020

NOTE: This is an Encore Presentation of a show originally broadcast on 12/17/20:
SEG-1: Virtual Learning, Cheating, and Permanent QE
SEG-2: If the Economy was a Cancer Patient
SEG-3: Speculating in Bitcoin
SEG-4: The Cost of Money Makes the World Go Round
Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio...

Dec 30, 2020

[NOTE: This segment was originally broadcast on 12/16/20]
The dark side of passive investing, and its intersection with moral hazard--the belief you're insured against any loss.
Market Commentary and Analysis by Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff,...

Dec 30, 2020

NOTE: This is an Encore Presentation of a show originally broadcast on 12/16/20:

SEG-1: Reindeer Food & Federal Stimulus
SEG-2: The Winning System on Wall Street
SEG-3: Why the Markets are Like Vegas
SEG-4: What it Really Takes to Retire
Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff,...

Dec 29, 2020

NOTE: This segment was originally broadcast on 12/22/20: Earlier this month, the Congress passed a massive aid bill worth over $2-Trillion spending for all sort of things not necessarily related to the COVID Pandemic. Never let a good crisis go to waste...and as is usually the case, you have to pass the bill so you'll...